Blending Data Analytics and AI: Policy Implications

Data analytics is becoming an essential part of companies’ operations, planning and innovation. In the Internet age, companies are generating an unprecedented amount of data, and an entire industry has grown out of the need to process and understand it. How have these insights helped change the way businesses interact with consumers? What is the difference between Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, and how are these technologies used to inform decision making?

At the same time, with the advent of this new technology comes new challenges. How do the inherent biases in data sets influence analytic outcomes and decision-making algorithms? What can we do to encourage innovation when many data sets are proprietary? Join us as we explore these questions and more with a panel of experts.


Leighanne Levensaler, Senior Vice President of Corporate Strategy, Workday (bio)

Dean Garfield, President & CEO, Information Technology Industry Council (bio)

Chris Calabrese, Vice President for Policy, Center for Democracy and Technology (bio)

Neil Chilson, Acting Chief Technologist, Federal Trade Commission (bio)


Joshua New, Policy Analyst, Center for Data Innovation

Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2017
Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Location: Rayburn House Office Building Room 2237
Follow: @NetCaucusAC | #BigDataAI

Photo Credit: Insane Visions via Flickr