Can You Sell Your Digital Music/Movie/eBook Collections? Congress Reviews Digital Copyright

Date: Friday, June 13, 2014

Sure, you can sell your paperback books, DVDs, and vinyl records. You can even give them away to friends, family or your local library. This is all because of a very old copyright concept called the First Sale Doctrine. But more and more the Internet is destroying these tangible, hardcopy versions of your favorite movies, music and books as Americans amass digital libraries. The panel debates whether the content you believed you “bought” can be legally transferred to others in the digital age?

Panel Members

Sandra Aistars, Chief Executive Officer, Copyright Alliance
Jonathan Band, Owners’ Rights Initiative
James Grimmelmann, Professor of Law, University of Maryland School of Law
Keith Kupferschmid, General Counsel & Senior Vice President, Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA)